Let me back up on that for a minute. For starters, when QT started this promo, they were .49 and it ROCKED! My mom and I would find ourselves there like every day in the summer. It was almost as if our cars knew the route on their own. We just got in and said, 'Go, go, gadget fountain drink!' Well, the next summer rolled around and we got all excited again for the sale and they jacked the price up to .59! Still cheap, still doable...a little annoying though. Come summer 3...by now mom had moved to Colorado where QT's don't exist (so sad!) and I was in Kansas City, but it's okay because now they were .69!!! It was an outrage! (However, kudos to you, Marketing Team of QT! Your evil ploy of reeling them in worked fabulously!) I was so over QT and their 'cheap' fountain drinks, because by then it's not a good deal anymore. But on this fabulous sunny day, I walked in and saw the signs hanging from the drink station, like an angel from the sky!
And lastly...
3) I am loving Container Gardening! Okay, well, I'm not necessarily doing one but my niece is! My mom got my sister and I started on it, as she has a whole mess of them at her house (hopefully they do better than her first attempt...bonsai tomato gardening!). So my sister got one started with my niece and every day after pre-school, Madi comes home and runs to the patio to see if her tomato plant needs water yet. It's too cute. Now, when doing container gardening, be sure that you don't substitute the word container for a synonym like pot. My mom's first email to me on this subject, at my federal job none the less, was something along the lines of '...I'm so excited to try this pot gardening! I'm not sure what all is involved in it, but it sounds wonderful! Maybe I'll go buy a pot tonight!'.......hmmmmmm.....
(This is not my niece's, but it looks close enough! I got lazy!)